Good job Melinda Gates!

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Good job Melinda Gates!  I am with you 100%.

Why is this going on in the computer and VC industry?  Being able to program has nothing to do with the sex, color, nationality, specific college, economic background, etc. of the programmer.  Skilled programmers are skilled programmers - end of story.

As an accountant, investment and a finance professional, I learned to program early on in my career.  Why?  I knew that I would know exactly what I wanted to program to simplify my job.  I wouldn't have to wait for IT to get the job done.  

Many people put others in a box and say that is what they "are".  For me that is a finance person.  Why can't people be successful in multiple areas?  People can and do have multiple skill sets.  

The fact is that people with multiple skill sets have a much higher value proposition! 

Just as when you are investing, you need to examine your behavioral biases.  You also need to review your biases when assessing people's skills.

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren