I love when stocks fall! No kidding,...

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As a value investor, I aways get excited when stocks are down.  On the opposite side, when stocks are up, I lose my excitement.  I feel like "a long tailed cat in a room of rocking chairs."

Why is this?  Some may laugh and think I've lost my proverbial marbles. Do you get excited when you go to your grocery store and see that bread is now twice what it cost last week!  Heck no, right?!  But, that is exactly what happens in the stock market.

If only retail shoppers looked at buying store items like they buy stocks, my retail stocks would be through the roof.  I would be estatic! Just kidding.....that's not realistic.  But, you get my point that in most markets, people don't buy because the prices went up, but because prices went down.

The lesson is that you should buy your stocks more like you buy your groceries. You would have a heavier wallet and a better deal! 

By the way, I want to sell my house.  Would you be willing to pay me twice the value?  How about a better deal?  Four times the value? Sold.

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren