Buffett keeps it simple - if only people would listen to him.

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This video says so much about Buffett's style in such a simple powerful way. I see the major points as these:

  • Start investing early in your life.  Maybe right when you earn your first buck.
  • Stay fully invested in stocks - thru thick and thin!
  • America's economy has been and continues to be a long-term growth engine.
  • Invest for the long haul 10, 20, 30 or more years.  Don't buy for 1, 2 or 3 years.  Get on the ride and stay on!
  • S&P companies average 10 to 15 percent return on equity. If you have a solid return, oh what compounding will do for you!
  • Understanding what compounding can do for you.  This is the best kept "secret" (that hides in plain view).
  • By buying stock shares, you pay to get in and to get out.  This makes your fees almost nothing over the long haul.  You keep the returns in your pocket.
  • Avoid the gimmicks.  There are no special investments products that can quickly transport you to investment success. Forget the fancy footwork!

There you have it.  Simple, concise and to the point in true Buffett style!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren