Buffett and Musk are at opposite sides of the spectrum.

mark's picture

"Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose." in English, this means the more things change the more they stay the same.

As a value investor, Buffett protects against the future.  As an innovator, Musk pursues the future.  The difference is similar to the difference between value and growth.

Buffett looks for steady and consistent growth in earnings.  Musk is looking for innovation and developments on the "bleeding edge".

Buffett is the turtle and Musk is the hare.

They are clearly from starkly different perspectives.  

There are very few Steve Jobs types around who survive the long haul.  Will Musk last long term? Clearly he will have to better answer to those whom he wants his capital from or suffer the consequences. 

The tides of trends come and go.  Investing history shows the consistent ebb and flow of those who shoot for the stars. 

There are few American Pharoahs, and not everything is Justified! When wagering, it is critical to remember the odds. Buffett started out early at the track and knows how to handicap!



Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren