A good sign for GM and their future - another "feather in their cap"!

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GM is incrementally pursuing the autonomous car market. 

Establishing this technology for highway driving in a "Caddy" is the first step.  Highways are obviously less difficult to navigate than cities.  Not to say it is an easy feat, but easier on a relative basis. There are so many more "factors" to process in an autonomous car in a city environment.  But nonetheless, it is an important part of the learning and feedback process.

Also, by moving incrementally, there is significant opportunity to "work out the kinks" that are inevitable.  Overselling and ramping up too quickly can be counterproductive - example Tesla..  I think the "low road" is much better.  When you finally reach your goal, you will have much better product.  But just like the tree bears, the speed of development should be "not too hot and not too cool, just right"!

GM has obligated to producing autonomous cars in NYC in the near future. NYC would be clearly on the high side of difficulty, even for a city.  But, the autonomous "highway" caddy, shows great progress.  The partnership with SoftBank with Cruise is also a great indication.  SoftBank clearly is confident in GM’s direction.

The special sauce of high quality management is always the most important aspect of valuing a stock.  Are they credible?  Do they do what they say they will do?  Are they managing the organization with skill, knowledge and finesse? 

From what I have seen Barra say and do, everything is aligning.  She is on the right track to bring GM back!  Just like when springtime arrives, you see indications all around you that the seasons are turning.  I believe we are seeing the season change from winter to spring with GM.

Change usually arrives incrementally and can take time with big companies, but GM appears to be changing at a fast pace compared to most large companies I have seen.

Keep tuned.  I think you'll like it when the "flowers bloom".

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren