I have to agreed with Suze Orman

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I have to agree with Suze Orman.

Most people focus on succeeding in their professional and personal lives, but their focus on their financial life is, more often than not, woefully inadequate. Don't fool yourself. This includes highly paid CEO's, CFO's, doctors, lawyers, and movie stars.  There is no correlation between income levels and the abiltiy to handle personal finances. 

Sure, everyone likes simplicity. We are in a society of “You have a problem? Just take this pill.  It is easy!”  It is no wonder that the opioid crisis is growing at a break neck speed.  

When it comes to investment and finance, most people just turn their money over to a broker or an investment advisor and wipe it from their hands. Check off the box!

Being intimately involved and knowledgeable about your personal and investment finance is essential!  While you can take advice from others, you ultimately make the call.  And…you, not your advisor, is going to be the one who has to live with it in the end.

How do you start?  Begin your education process today.   Read what you can.  Always thoroughly question advice that is given to you. Google will give you a world of knowledge if you just take a few minutes to search.  As Ronald Reagan said, “Trust but verify”.

You want to have a great retirement down the road?  Don’t ostrich!  Get you head out of the sand and understand what is going on around your personal and investment finance.  It can be done, but you must drive it to get the best for you. 

No one has your best interests in mind more than yourself!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren