Warren Buffett will keep you grounded in this market.

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While this link is to an older video (2/26/18), Buffett talks about is the trade-offs between stock ownership and bond ownership.  I find myself going back to videos of Buffett being interviewed to re-ground myself in the principals behind why I invest in stocks.  

Like always, a few of his statements really resonate with me.

  • "Some people are not actually psychologically or emotionally fit to own stocks, but I think more of them would be if they were educated on what they were really buying, which is part of a business…”
  • “If you are going to do dumb things because your stock goes down....like selling your stock…(you shouldn’t be in stocks).”
  • “If you buy your house at 20 thousand dollars and someone comes along the next day and says that they will pay you 15. You don't sell it because the quote is 15."
  • "The longer you hold stocks the less risky they would be. Whereas, the longer the maturity of a bond, the more risky it becomes."

Buffett is always a good teacher and he loves to teach.  When Buffett talks, I am all ears.


Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren