Here is an article about a shift that is occurring as a result of the tariffs and the sanctions. Given that President Trump is fighting with so many countries now, the world is looking for ways to continue their commerce without the US.
You can be sure that many more activities are being undertaken to circumvent the many tariffs that have been implemented. The US is now at odds with so many countries. The pervasive tariffs are putting a lot of countries' economic well-being at risk. So, those countries will be looking for ways to work around the tariffs.
Let's see. We blew off the Paris Accord, the Transatlantic Partnership and NAFTA. We pissed off the EU, Mexico, Canada, Britain, NATO, China, Russia, and Turkey. I am sure there are others I am missing. It is very unwise to initiate battles on too many fronts at once.
You can be sure that many companies in the US are looking for ways to work around the tariffs as well. It is happening. It is just quietly being done. Are they starting to plan and build facilities overseas? Maybe they are staying put in the US, but are ramping up their automation efforts in the US. The end result will be less US jobs which we all will suffer from.
This article is just an overt example of what's going on all around us while it appears to be quiet. Don't let the overt calm fool you into the complacent idea that tariffs are being effective.