The internet field is finally becoming competitive

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For years cable companies had monopolies in their coverage areas.  There was one provider for cable and internet.  If the customer didn't like it, they were forced to deal with it or without it.  There was no grey area.

Every six months, the cable companies would give their customers some worthless channels that cost them next to nothing and raised their customer's prices by many times the cost they incurred to put the channels in the lineup.  Worse still is that the additional channels were 1/2 an hour or an hour of pure advertisements.  I always wondered who in their right mind watches that junk - probably no one.

Young kids in their twenties have long begun a trend to drop cable TV like a rock. Thank you!  If the companies has not gouged their customers with continually rising rates, maybe many would still be getting cable TV.    

A number of companies are now building satellites to provide high speed internet. As a consumer, I love the smell of competition!  Soon the phone companies will be getting into this space as well.  I love the smell of competition!

This article talks about the companies pursuing satellites for high speed internet. The window of competitive advantage will not be long. Technology is moving cycles of new products and methods at an increasing rate.  For the companies, the opportunities will be short-lived, but for the consumers of internet, it will be great.  Hot dog!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren