Generation Z may be saving bricks and mortar stores

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Is Amazon going to kill all the bricks and mortar?

The herd has been saying that on-line was going to crush the bricks and mortars for a long time.  While I do believe that on-line will continue to grow, I don't see it as taking over completely. 

Retailers have recently gone out of business for many reasons.  Many times, it is just because they aren’t adjusting to changing times.  As technology gains more and more influence in our society, the need to be flexible and evolving is critical to survival.  Walmart has done a great job shaking off the dust.  No longer can inflexible and bureaucratic businesses survive without constantly evolving. If they aren’t “moving and shaking”, they run the risk of “getting rolled over”.

The attached article discusses a trend among Gen Z that indicates that they still regularly visit the malls.  It will be the younger cohorts who will drive the spending in the future.  Younger people still are in the acquisition mode and as they get to their 30's, their influences will be growing.

Is bricks and mortar dead?  Not a chance!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren