Fans want to "Tar and Feather" Taggart - They need to look deeper into the probems.

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FSU had a terrible game against Virginia this week and many fans are up-in-arms about getting rid of Willie Taggart. 

Although I am a PSU fan, I like FSU.  All my kids went to or are going to FSU. I like the culture that James Franklin has engrained in leading PSU, but it didn't happen overnight.  Taggart has many similarities in style to Franklin.  It will take time to turn around a ship that is badly off course.

Fans need to look no further than the attached article to understand why FSU is in their current position.  They may want to blame Taggart but the seeds of the current situation were planted long ago under Jimbo Fisher and Jameis Winston.

Taggart inherited an undisciplined team of great players and it came to a boiling point.  As Taggart says, there are two things that will turn the program around - graduation and recruiting. 

Prior to Taggart, FSU was at the edge of being academically ineligible as a team.  As much as I like football, the goal of college (football players included) is to get an education and build successful people - not just football players.  Many players were just blowing off classes regularly. When players start pushing back when the coach tells them to do something, it is clearly a time when changes are not just necessary, but essential.

Bad leadership got FSU in this mess (just like PSU suffered from Sandusky) and good leadership will get them out of it.  Stay tuned.

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren