Costco's anticipated special dividend - Where did someone get a cost of $10 B?

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Investors have been anticipating another special dividend from Costco for a while. Costco gave a special dividend in 2013, 2015 and 2017, so investors are anxiously awaiting one just like a kid waits for Santa Claus.

The attached article says it isn't likely to happen since it will cost Costco $10 billion. 

What?! As Lee Corso often says in the college football game day program, “Not so fast!

The last special dividend of $7.00 was paid in 2017.  It required $3.1 B and the basic shares outstanding haven't changed much.  So with 438,859 basic shares outstanding at the end of last quarter (3rd), the cost would be around 3.079 B(439,859 times $7/shr).  That is a far cry from $10 Billion. 

If Costco were paying a $10 Billion special dividend payout, it would amount to $22.73/Shr (10 B divided by 439,859).   Anyone expecting $22.73, must be expecting the tooth fairy to visit soon too!

The bottom line is that Costco has the ability to pay a special dividend.  Will they pay it?  We can’t be sure unless we are the CEO, CFO or the board, but history indicates a clear pattern of paying special dividends.

I don’t know where someone came up with the $10 Billion dollar number.  It was clearly pulled out of thin air.  A simple review of Costco’s 10K’s and 10Q’s shows this clearly.  This information is in the CostcoDividendInformation.pdf below.

Stay tuned! 

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren