Finally the market is dropping off- I love it!

mark's picture

The markets have bumped up against the ceiling several times over the last two years.  Today, it is selling off.  If you dig under the footers of a building long enough, eventually the building (economy) falls over. 

The "Blue Light specials" are beginning (reminds me of the movie Rain Man)!  As a value investor, I like it. There is nothing like a great deal.

The key is that you have to be prepared (like a good Boy Scout), willing and able to wait out the down periods.  I have always looked at down periods as a way of "concentrating holdings".  Keep in mind that it doesn't pay off quickly, like a month, 6 months, a year, or two years; but when it does pay off, those who keep their cool can reap great rewards.   

Keep your shopping list in hand and your eyes and ears open!

"Blue Light special, Isle 9!"


Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren