Burpee Challenge - Day 6 and 7

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Yesterday I completed day 7 of the burpee challenge to do 100 burpees per day for thirty days.

After day 6, I was feeling very sore.  It was sort of odd since I wasn't sore for the first few days, but after day 6, I was hurting all around.

I came home from my Christmas holiday at 9PM and my first focus was to get day 7 done.

Today is day 8 and I am feeling less sore.  Could my body be acclimating to this challenge?

Later today, I am going to complete day 8.  While it's a tough road to follow, focusing on the short goal of completing each day is how I keep moving to my 30 day goal.

How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren