Burpee Challenge - Day 11, 12 and 13

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I'm still persevering on my 30 day burpee challenge and quickly closing in on the half way point.  One hundred burpees each day puts me at 1300 so far.  

It's getting marginally easier.  Not too much, but a slight bit.  I am still very winded after each round since I always do the 100/day in a single shot.  I might be slower, but I keep moving.

Finding something challenging to push yourself is the best way to improve.  Whether it is a career, physical health, relationships, a hobby or whatever, set a goal and work toward it.

I played Judo for most of my life and working with better players always was a humbling experience.  Always remember, fall down seven, get up eight.

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren