What worries me about this market...

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What worries me about this market is that there seems to be few worried about the market's level. 

While we never know the future, I have always tried to develop counter emotions in terms of the market.  When it is down and most everyone is risk adverse, I get excited and look for the sales.  When it is up and most everyone thinks that it is easy money, I get as nervous as "a long-tailed cat in a room of rocking chairs".

While I'm not selling, I sure ain't buying.  The market can always be irrational longer than you expect.  That happens both on the upside and downside.

I talked to a friend today who was convinced that the market’s technical fundamentals were strong and I agree that they are strong. But, I live in Florida.  The weather can change with a "drop of a hat".  Technical fundamentals are always strong until they are not!

Somedays I feel like a long tailed cat.  I wish those folks would stop rocking those chairs so fast!

Be smart, be well-read, be aware and be successful.


Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren