Ok...I admit it. I'm a stone cold workout guy.

mark's picture

I've always been a workout guy.  Starting as a young teenager, I was always working out to keep in top shape for Judo and Wrestling.  After all, you can't throw someone or square up with them, if you're weak.

During the pandemic, I dropped my LA Fitness membership.  LA was a great place to go for early 5 am workouts, but when I found out about F3, I didn't need it anymore.

F3 is a nationwide men's workout program that is free.  We start promptly at 5:30 am and kick our butts!  In both Judo and Wrestling, you have to be a glutton for punishments.  F3 is much the same.

Each workout is different because it is peer lead.  One day we were running stars in a parking garage, doing 10 burpees at the top floor, squats on the next, pushups on the next and situps on the ground floor.  Then, backup the stairs to do it again.  After about 10 rounds, we started jump roping for 100 times, followed by sprints and bear walks for another 15 minutes.  The whole workout always is completed by 6:15 am (45 minutes) total.

So if you like to challenge yourself and get into great shape (you have to be a glutton for punishment though), look up the F3 group in your area - https://f3nation.com/

By the way, the workout is never canceled and it is always outside.  If it's 30 degrees out or it's raining cats and dogs, we are still pushing it!

Improve yourself by making it happen.

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren