It has been great to get out of the "hotbox" of North Florida. Paris has been pleasant in the 70's and today it's looking like high sixties.
My Brother-in-Law, Christian, and sister, Beth, have been great tour guides. Yesterday we visited Notre Dame, the Supreme Court, The Louvre, the Seine, the Arc de Triumph and many others.
It's a little weird with the six hour time difference, but I synced up within a day. As I watch the US stock market, it opens at 3:30 pm and closes at 10 pm, Paris Time. Now that is taking time getting used to.
Today, we have more tour activity planned. I am just rolling with the flow and letting my tour guides direct me to the many beautiful sites.
The US market is still "taking it on the chin" with the realization that a recession is almost imminent. Stay calm and expect more rough sea ahead. Holding tight through the rough days with conservative holdings will pave the way for more sunny days ahead.
Stay calm and party on!
Be smart, be well-read, be aware and be successful.