I just returned state side yesterday from my trip to Paris where I was visiting my sister and brother-in-law for three weeks. Although they have lived there for over 30 years, I had never visited them in Paris before. They were consummate tour guides and showed me so much about the culture and history that makes France what it is. It was truly a wonderful trip.
Pictures fail to capture the true enormity of the many places I visited. From Versailles, Arc de Triomphe, Place de la Concorde and the Louvre to Saint-Malo, the Crazy Horse, Lascaux, Normandy and Mont Saint Michel, there was so much to see and experience. The fashion industry was in full swing as last week was fashion week.
One of the highlights of my trip was to play judo twice at one of the best dojos in Paris. Run by sensei, Alain Perriot, he graciously invited me onto their mat with an exhilarating experience of quality people and skills. Alain was the first judo coach to Teddy Riner who won the Olympics several times and was world champion for over ten years. To Alain, I couldn't be grateful enough. Thank you, Alain!
Attached is a picture we took at the end of our practice and some others. I am the second from right on the team picture, on the far side on the right when bowing in and the left in randori picture.
I will definitely be visiting Paris and France again. What a wonderful place!