Buffet is the man.

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Buffett is the man. No question about it. He and his portfolio managers pulled the trigger when many were looking down on Apple's future prospects.

I bought shares of Apple in the low 90's too. The general consensus was that there growth was slowing.

Sure, people are not always buying the latest and greatest iphone with each generation. As young people, who are the biggest adopters of the iphone, are aging, they decide to make economic decisions not to upgrade each year. Other things become important - a house, a car, new furniture, etc.

That doesn't mean that they are moving to the android. They are just buying new iphones, maybe every other generation.

The result will be a slower growth, but steady growth. That is what Buffett likes and I like it too. I will take the slow steady turtle over the hare any day any time.

Consistent steady growth with a moat around it is central to Buffett's world. It is a common theme of Berkshire.

Live it and love it!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren