Today will be the last day of my 30 day burpee challenge! I'll be doing my last 100 burpees this evening. That will be 3,000 burpees over 30 days.
It has been a tough go. I always do the first 20 at a pretty rapid clip, followed by a slower and steady 70. The last 10, I try to push through, again, at a rapid clip.
My breathing is still very high at the end, but it now comes down in just a minute or two. Progress. I've definitely seen my physique tighten up - a good sign.
Well…., today will be it. Success!
You never know what you can do unless you try it, but you'll never know unless you try. No matter what you want to do, give it a try. You'll be surprised what you can accomplish! Every long journey starts with one small step.
As my long-time Judo coach and Sensei, Mr. Charles Cavrich, used to say, “Life is like a grindstone, whether it sharpens you up or grinds you down, depends on what you’re made of.”