College football is "at the door". Time for rituals

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I love when college football comes up.  The only thing I miss is the cool Northeast weather since I now live in Florida.  Call me crazy (my wife does), but I like the chill in the air and snow on the ground.  Football just isn't the same without it.

Anyway, I am a Penn State fan.  We are.... 

That said, I have a ritual every year that gets me "into the season".  That ritual is watching Rudy.  Rudy is a true story about perseverance and heart. 

Rudy is told by everyone he knows that his dream of playing on Notre Dame's football team is impossible.  Everything appears to be against him - his height, weight, skills, eyesight, financial resources and academics.  But, Rudy has a special gift. He has more heart than even the best.  Rudy ignores the skeptics and continues on his journey to his dreams.  He earns the respect and admiration of his teammates.  The movie ends on a high note.    Rudy was one of two players in Notre Dame history to ever be carried off the field by his teammates.

Rudy Ruettiger's story and travails are a testament to never give up your dreams.

Never ever give up on your dreams!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren