Companies doing the right thing without regulation.

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Good news today!

Many companies are following Starbuck’s lead and banning straws!  

This concern for the environment runs strong with the younger generation.  Good for them!  After all, they are the ones who are going to have to live with it.

This will surely create "goodwill" among customers for the companies that do it.  This trend may likely increase sales as well. 

In this day of the "bottom line", so many companies do the wrong thing just to add to their profits.  It is good to see a company do the right thing!

This will go a long way toward cementing customer loyalty.  Let's call it Win/Win.

Now if we could just get rid of this trend of buying plastic throwaway water bottles.  I drink tap water and it is fine in most places.

I have a friend who invested in petroleum during the Gulf crisis.  He always compared the price of a gallon of water to a gallon of gas.  Gas is a whole lot cheaper! What…..?!

I might even be tempted to buy one of those pricey coffees from Starbucks.  Starbucks...way to lead the way!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren