Even older books have much to offer

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I often read books that are much older publications. While people often read the latest and greatest books on the best seller lists, the information in older books is just as applicable today, in most ways, as when it was published .

You don't need to follow the herd with the latest books to get great ideas. A lot of really great ideas are contained in those older books that many have forgotten. I buy most of my books from www.alibris.com for $.99 cents plus shipping (I'm not getting any benefit).

I recently started reading an old book - "Sam Walton - Made in America". The man was really on the ball. Although he is long gone (bless his soul), the lessons from his life are timeless. Sam had so many good traits that it takes a whole book to describe them!

I love his frugality. Sam bought it cheap, stacked it high and turned it fast. He wasn't afraid of making errors and he encouraged his associates to try new approaches too.

Walmart has changed as it has gone through several generations of "professional managers". I have friends who shun Walmart, but I am not proud, I savor a great deal.

The book is a must read for those who really want to excel in the retail market.

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren