Forget the markets, its time in Jacksonville Florida to focus on winter weeds

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When the markets looks dour, like they are now, it's time to focus on other interests.  They say that when the market gains are flat or down, it's a great time to focus on dividends.  Dividends pay you while you wait for the sun to shine again.

In the meantime, I'm back to focusing on my other varied interests.  One of those interests is learning and applying knowledge to successfully grow my lawn.  Sure, I could pay someone else to do the work, but I wouldn't learn anything. Furthermore, I would never know if the lawn service just stuffed a bill in my mailbox and didn't do any work. 

  • "Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.  Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day." 
  • "An investment in knowledge pays the best dividend."

Anyway, weeds are like any other plant.  They grow and mature during different times of the year.  Also, the definition of a weed is any undesirable plant in your yard.  In Jacksonville, FL, which is plant zone 9, early September is the time to put out pre-emergent winter weed killer.  Pre-emergent weed killer stops the plant BEFORE it germinates.  After germination, pre-emergent weed killer will do nothing for weeds.  Therefore, it is critical to spread it early and NOW is the time. 

Until last year I mistreated my lawn and the weeds took over as a result.  I had to tear out my lawn and install ten pallets of new Saint Augustine grass.  It was backbreaking work, although the work was great for my health.  Nonetheless, I don't want to go down that road again, so I am keeping up with my lawn care. 

Lawns are just like anything else.  Educating yourself all about the subject is the beginning.  Refining that knowledge over time improves outcomes. 

Attached is a summary PDF of the information I learned about growing lawns in North Florida.  It took several months of study to gather and understand this knowledge. I hope others can benefit from my travails.  Carpe Diem!

Be smart, be well-read, be aware and be successful.

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren