Look at the attachment. It shows Hershey’s sales and earnings per share from their SEC filings for a number of years. There clearly has been NO substantial effect from Ozempic.
I learned long ago to be careful with stories that get repeated. Wall Street and the financial channels kept talking about how so many packaged goods companies were going to be decimated by the new diet drugs such as Ozempic. The bottom line is that it isn't happening, and the numbers are starting to show it.
Why isn't it happening? Because habits are one of the most important factors in most people's purchases. Habits are a blessing or a curse, depending on what those habits are. The diet drugs will help a few on the periphery, but, by and far, most people will continue their habits.
Believe me, companies know the power of habit. The addictive behavior caused by habit is exactly what so many technology firms rely on to keep billions of peoples' eyes focused on their phones and, in turn, company’s advertisements.
Be smart, be well-read, be aware and be successful.