How’s your workout going? Here’s something to check out.

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I’ve been a workout person most of my life.  Whenever I miss my workouts for more than a week, I feel it both physically and mentally.  During the COVID pandemic, my workout suffered greatly.  I went from almost daily workouts to only a few a week and I sure felt it. 

For me, challenging myself in all parts of my life has always been an essential.  Tough physical workouts are a big part of that.  I played Judo for many years at a high level.  Wrestling in a Division I school was a big commitment.  Both of these sports draw people who are looking for tough challenges.

Recently a friend of mine, introduced me to F3.  F3 is proving to be the challenging workouts that I enjoy.  If I’m pushing myself, I feel at home.  The men who participate span from teenagers to guys in their sixties.  I believe the program was initiated by guys in the Special Forces.

The typical workout starts at 5:30 AM at some outside location.  Rain, sun, hot cold, we are out there (It was 39 degrees the other day.  Don’t worry, you warmup quick!). A quick warmup is followed by a different workout each time.  Each person takes a turn at leading the workout.  By having different workouts, you see change quickly since you don’t get in the rut of the same workout.

One day we were running stairs at a parking garage, doing 3 burpees at the top and bottom for 30 minutes.  Then, we did sprints, with bear walks for 40 yards, squats, pushups, mountain climbers, etc.  After 10 minutes, I was tired, very tired, but we continued for the complete 45 minutes.  Needless to say, we were damn tired at the end, but invigorated and better for the wear.

The best things about F3 are:

  • It is totally free.
  • You meet a lot of great guys.
  • Everyone is positive and supportive.
  • You push yourself and get in great shape.

So, if you’re up to a challenge.  Check it out.  They have workouts all over the country.  Just check out the web site for a location near you and show up ready to work hard. 

Here’s the link to the site to find a workout location.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren