If you have been around for a number of market cycles, this question invariably comes up.

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If you have been around for a number of market cycles, this question invariably comes up.

Like many items in investments, things are cyclical.  They come and they go.  They come again and they go.  You can never be sure of the duration of the cycle, because it is always has different lengths. But, you can be sure that value investing will come in vogue again.  A study of the 20th century markets shows this clearly.

While it may not resonate with many clients and investors, you just have to wait it out.  If you have a certain style, changing your style with the "winds of the market" is a good way to invite disaster into what was a lull.  

The "party" is in full swing and the frat boys (growth investors) are having their day in the sun with multiple rounds of shots lined up on the bar.  If this isn't your type of party, sip a beer on the sidelines.  You will not be hung over tomorrow and be better for the wear!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren