This article provides significant information about Joel Greenblatt's value style of investing. The more perspectives an investor can get, the better an investor can refine their own approach to investment. No two investors invest or think exactly alike and there is always insights to gather from any successful investor.
Geenblatt has written several books which every serious value investor should read. A key requisite for becoming a successful value investor is to constantly read. Reading is fundamental. The more you know, the more information you will have to triangulate your ideas and make great investment selections. I would highly recommend reading his book, "The Little Book That Beats the Market".
Being patient and emotionally controlled are important attributes that are essential in value investing. These are common threads in the makeup of all value investors.
The article is longer (10 short pages), but you will likely walk away with some great insights into how to successfully manage a portfolio.
Be safe, be smart, be prepared, be well read and be successful!