The internet will take over the retailing world! Yeah right...

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No matter what it is, when something new comes along, the herd effect takes hold and people drink the purple juice.  The purple juice affects their thinking and they begin to think EVERYTHING is going one way and away from past norms.  And…that never happens!

Everyone thought the internet was going to take over retailing and while the internet has made significant inroads, I don’t see it going 100% internet or anywhere close.

Sometimes people shop for convenience, while other times they shop for the experience.  I’m more on the convenience side, like most men, but my wife likes to browse the isles and examine the goods closely. Different strokes for different folks.

All this means there will be a balance between the extremes.  What the balance will eventual be, I don’t know.  I do know that it will not be extreme either way.  People can drive cars, but there are still many people who like to walk, run or bicycle.  Many people are now looking for self-contained neighborhoods where they can walk to various places.

As people, we need interaction with other people. I don’t know anyone who wants to spend their life looking into a computer screen.  At lot of people who have been staring at their computers for months now are ready to get out of the house.

The answer is never at the extremes as people would have you believe, but for those who pass out the purple juice, I want to thank them for creating buying opportunities when perceptions exceed reality.  

Be smart, be well-read, be aware and be successful!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren