Investors - Lowes is moving on up

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As the song went in the old show The Jeffersons,  "moving on up to the sky to the delux appartment in the sky".

OK, I know it's a little over the top, but their earnings came up nicely.

Keep in mind that they recently brought in a new CEO, Marvin Ellison.  So, he is working on putting his own ideas to work. In a seasonal business such as home improvement, quarter to quarter (Q to Q) metrics are important. I always ignore non-GAAP numbers.  GAAP keeps a level playing field.

As with any investment, there is good and bad.  All and all, I think the results were good.


  • Sales and earnings increased 7.1% Q to Q.  Oddly enough, sales and total earnings moved up almost exactly the same percent.
  • New CEO.  A fresh look at things is always important in home remodeling. He spent 12 years with Home Depot as an EVP so he knows his competitor's play book. 
  • Earnings per share increased almost 11% Q to Q.  Keep in mind that this was a result of financial engineering (share buybacks)
  • Gross Margin increased 25 basis points. More sales revenue to cover cost of goods sold.
  • LTD was decreased relative to equity and in absolute amount.  At this stage of the economy it is good to reduce leverage.
  • Cash Flow from Operations is up 14%.  This enables financial flexibility.
  • Capital Expenditures were up, but well within their Depreciation and Amortization.  While it is important to invest in the business, building cash in the current environment is not a bad idea.


  • Share buybacks increased when the market price of the stock is high. Buy when the "Price is right" is the best plan.
  • Selling, General and Administrative expenses went from 20.13% to 22.45% Q to Q. Although, it costs money to make money.
  • Currency is a headwind in the current quarter.  Something to keep an eye on with all retailers.
  • The housing market is still experiencing weakness.  This will put a cap on future revenues.

Looks like a good start to me.  Keep on keeping on Mr. Ellison!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren