It is interesting that Western Digital is...

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It is interesting that Western Digital is expecting to deliver $13/share for the year ending June 2018.  That would put them at a 6.7 forward PE!  While I am not a big fan of forward PE's, the statement of such a huge increase in earnings is really significant in it just being made by management.

Given that their 2017 annual earnings were $1.34, that is a big jump.  Furthermore, since disk drive revenue is decreasing, the bump up must be from their move into solid state drives.  

Sounds like they did a great job using the cash flow from their existing disk drive business in conjunctions with debt to finance their move into SSD's.  I can only hope they are working to reduce the debt load they had taken out when they acquired Sandisk since their debt to equity is much higher than their historical norms.

I like it.  Keep tuned!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren