I joined a Judo dojo (club) in Jacksonville Beach Florida last year and I've been enjoying it ever since.
While there are really great throws in high level competition, not everyone is going "full bore" when they practice Judo. There are all kinds of levels.
Judo is great for overall fitness. Yes, you get sore the next day when you push your body, but after a short period of time your body acclimates. Everyone there is there to improve themselves and others.
Judo is about so many things such as building healthy bodies, working hard, setting goals, consistent improvement, helping others to better themselves, camaraderie and many other aspects.
Judo is NOT about hurting others. If you ever join a club where hurting others is espoused by the instructor, leave that environment immediately. That is not true Judo. Some of the best players I have known over the many years of my involvement were humble and dedicated individuals. They are strong and quick when required, such as competing in a tournament, but some of the most peaceful, calm and gentle people I've ever known.
If you're interested in joining Judo to improve yourself and become a better person, we practice in a small dojo at the corner of Atlantic and Penman, across from Win Dixie on Tuesday's at 7 PM and Saturdays at 4 PM. We're always interested in good people joining the dojo.
Domo Arigato