Nothing like "mind candy" - books!

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Honestly, I wasn't much of a book reader when I was a kid.  Although my mom was an English teacher, I didn't catch the bug early on, but now, I can't get enough.

If we learned everything first hand, we would be pretty beat up by our twenties!  Books enable much vicarious learning.  That said, practical application is equally important.

There is so much to learn about.  If only I could read faster.  I have a niece who devourers 500 page novels in a day or two... in French and English.  I admire her skill.

Starting to read as much possible from an early age is the answer.  While you can't change the past, you can influence your future. I'm down with that!

I'm a big fan of  Alibris books which is a sort of cooperative exchange.  $4.95 to ship plus the cost of the book, which is usually less than $5, is perfect for me.  Now the latest and greatest best sellers may not be there, but there is gobs of great books from the past.  Moreover, you're acquiring knowledge that isn't the latest fad. 

I am not associated with Alibris books.  I do think having multiple sources keeps prices in check by having competition and believe me, I compare the all-in shipped prices.

Be smart, be well-read, be aware and be successful.

​"Face your fear, empty yourself, trust your own voice, let go of control, have faith in outcomes, connect with a larger purpose, derive meaning from the struggle."

- Jigoro Kano - Founder of Judo

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren