NVIDIA kicked butt with their revenues and earnings!

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NVIDIA kicked butt with their revenues and earnings!

The crazy thing about the market is that investors will compare the numbers not between years or periods, but against analyst expectations. Yeah, I know that is the usual way, but it is full of you know what.

The way the market has been, companies come out with great numbers compared to their historical numbers from the last quarter or same quarter last year and the market hammers them.

Call me crazy, but analyst numbers have huge variability so why rate a company compared to analyst numbers. With a company like NVIDIA that is growing quickly the variability of estimates is "off the charts". There is no crystal ball except in the movies!

Will this dampen the general market's movement or light a fire under it? We will see tomorrow. Does anybody have a coin to flip to determine what will happen? That is probably the best "guess" of the activity tomorrow.

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren