OK the calendar is turning to Feb - Are you still staying with your new workout program?

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Lots of people set resolutions to "get in shape" on every January 1st.  Did you?

If you did, are you still on board?  

For 20 some years I've been a member of a health club and in January, it is always busy as can be. As February rolls in, most of the new folks have stopped coming.

Don't let this be you.  With any habit, it takes a while to establish.  Even if you "fall off the wagon", just jump back on.

Never forget how good you feel when you are getting back into shape.  You sleep better: you are more energetic; and you generally feel good about yourself.  

I have worked out my whole life, but I do go through short periods when I "fall off the wagon".  And, that's OK.  It happens to everyone.

But ...make sure you get "back on the wagon".  Visualize how you feel when you do so.  That good feeling is what we all strive for and it is one of the major motivators.  There is no shame in falling off, if you just get back on.

The key is to form the habit of working out and that can take some time.  A great way to form a habit is to visualize the positive aspects of that habit.  In this case, you feel good.

Now get moving. This is something no one can do for you but yourself.  You can’t buy it.  There is no pill or elixir.  Just get moving and shaking.  

Every long journey starts with one small step!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren