Penn State Leadership – I am inspired

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Penn State football had a tough game Saturday night against Ohio State.  While they weren’t victorious, they played the game like the leaders that they are.  As begrudgingly as it is to say it, Ohio State played an outstanding game and they ultimately won the game.

That said, Penn State is getting better each week.  In my mind, success is not about a single event, but the constant improvement of the individual in all aspects, both on the field and off the field.

This is the first year that I have begun listening to James Franklin’s press conferences each week.  He is an impressive leader.  Moreover, he drives that leadership throughout his entire organization from players and coaches to the administration and community.  His is both positive and collaborative with his players and coaches. His ability to build relationships with those around him is clear. Through his positive leadership and delegating style, he has created an organization that assures that everyone has “skin in the game”. 

Franklin’s uncommon approach is not found much in high level college football or business today, but it is clearly very effective.  How leaders lead IS important and James Franklin is setting “the tone”.

We all crave for inspiration and I am inspired.

I salute you, James Franklin!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren