People close to you may doubt, reject, and fail to support you. But you still can reach your goal.

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After being REJECTED by the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts 3 times due to poor grades. There was a lot of doubt that he would ever become a filmmaker. The doubts of family members and those closest to him hurt. HE DID NOT GIVE UP. Who am I referring to?

Steven Spielberg.

He went on to create the first summer blockbuster with Jaws in 1975, has won three Academy Awards, 4 Emmys, 7 Daytime Emmys, and his 27 movies have grossed more than $9 billion.

He was awarded an honorary degree in 1994. In 1996 he became a trustee of the same University that rejected him.

When you are pursuing good work and great success:

♦️ there will be doubters and it can hurt

♦️ there will be rejection and it can hurt

♦️ the people closest to you (family) are most likely not going to be your greatest supporters

♦️never give up and reach your goals (even beyond your dreams)

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren