Please excuse the construction going on

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I recently started developing this web site via Drupal.  Drupal is an open source CMS (content management system) that is very powerful.  Many organizations have constructed their web sites with Drupal.  A few of the household names who using it are GE, Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer, and the White House – no small potatoes.

Like any brand new venture I have pursued, there is a learning curve.  Thus, I am forging a new path.  The path is much different from my background in investment, finance and accounting.  Some days I feel like an explorer beating my way through the Amazon jungle with a machete. 

There are many advantages of using Drupal.  It is open source, supports database functionality and it is highly flexible.  The flexibility comes at a cost which is the learning curve.  Drupal definitely isn’t a “take out of the box and it’s running in an hour product”product, but the long-term advantages associated with the flexibility are unbelievable.

You will see changes to my site in the future as I trudge up that experience curve. 

Like all things I have pursued, I aspire to the Japanese methodology of continuous improvement.  The Japanese term for this is Kaizen.  

Just like people in their early years of investing, you learn by fits and starts.  Please bear with me. 

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. - Lao Tzu  

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren