Reading is fundamental for investment success

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While you don't have to have a formal education to be educated, you do have to be well-read.  Traditional reading is picking up a book, but with apps today, I often listen to a reading of a book through an app. 

Warren Buffett of investment renown is well known as a voracious reader.  He doesn't constantly monitor the market.  In fact, his Bloomberg, sits in the corner of his office far away from his desk.  Most of the time Buffett spends just reading.  His two portfolio managers do much of the same.  It sounds counter-intuitive, but that is Buffett's modus operandi. His success is an example of how much reading can benefit investors.  Sure, Buffett has a lot of other attributes, but reading is a key tool in his tool belt!

The link to the article here is about Hoopla which is a free application through my local library.  I've "read" many books from this site, especially when I am on a road trip.  Now, I wouldn't try to read a traditional book while tooling down the highway at 80 MPH, but I sure will listen to a reading of a book while I drive on down the highway.

Yesterday, I had to do a day trip to Tampa, FL.  With four hours of travel each way, it was the perfect time to "read a book".  I almost finished Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Nicholas Taleb during the trip.  It is an older book, but Taleb provides a lot of insights into the world of Wall Street traders and the investment world.  

The more vantages you have with any subject, the better educated you can be.  Education doesn't have to be formal.  Education is personal.  

Check out Hoopla and see what all the hoopla is all about!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren