Tariffs - We're all in the Roman Colosseum and a lion is closing fast.

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So here we go!  $200B in tariffs are being put into play.  

It isn't so bad watching two cars run at each other in a game of chicken as long as we are far away from the action.  Unfortunately, the world is lined up on the sides of the road.  This means whichever car turns away will be decimating a lot of people.

Don't get me wrong.  Something must be done about the stealing China has been doing with Intellectual Property.  It has gone on for a very long time, but there are many other ways to stop it.  Trumps signature confrontational style doesn't always work.  Whatever happens, Trump will continue to be very wealthy, but hundreds of millions of others will be financially decimated in the process.

Many “enjoyed the entertainment” when Trump fired people on The Apprentice.  I didn’t watch it because I viewed it as we were going back to the Colosseum in Rome.  Entertainment was watching other people’s demise. Can I get some popcorn?   

This confrontation with China reminds me of the book "The Sneetches and Other Stories" by Dr. Seuss. I used to read this book nightly to my kids.  One of the stores was called "The Zax". In it, two "Zax"(whatever animal they are!) walk all over the world.  One ALWAYS goes North and one ALWAYS goes South.  Eventually, the two meet toe to toe in their travels.  Both refuse to yield to the left or right (East or West) for them both to move on their way.  They stand there for years being obstinate while the world around them evolves and is built up.

China and the US are both Zax.  Although while US stands toe to toe with China, China is also making deals with other countries such as Germany and joining/leading trade pacts.  The world is changing around the two combatants.  Soon, everything will be built up around them and it will be impossible for either to continue on their respective straight line paths North or South. China is strategically using the Trump’s stubbornness to their advantage. They know that Trumps ego is colossal and they are playing him like a fiddle.

"A rock in the river will erode over time because it does not move, but a leaf will flow with the river and will not be destroyed."

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren