Thank God Jacksonville dodged the Amazon bullet! I appreciate it Jeff.

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Both NYC and Washington DC took one (each) for the team.  Nice move.

I was glad that Jacksonville missed out on the mayhem of Amazon's second headquarters.


  1. All the bidders were salivating over the opportunity which will end up resulting in nice incentives to Amazon that the tax payers will shoulder.  
  2. Those areas that won will end up with a slew of expensive issues.  Infrastructure and housing, just to name a few, will have to be upgraded to a tremendous degree.  
  3. Many of the folks already living in the area will get pushed out by a number of forces including increasing taxes and housing costs.  San Francisco and Seattle are perfect examples. 

The whole thing is similar to the economics of tariffs.  The many will pay the increased costs of the few that will benefit.  

Then, what happens if an operation of Amazon's size downsizes in the future? It will wreak havoc!  

I count Jacksonville as lucky that it avoided that bullet!

Congrats to those "lucky" winners!  


Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren