The ultimate sin of investing...

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The ultimate sin of investing is paying significantly too much for a security.  

I say significantly because it is just about impossible to pay the lowest price.   But, paying WAY TOO MUCH can kill an investment.  For example, owning a stock that drops 90% because it was owned at a much higher price than it should have been is difficult to deal with.  It is also easy to do.

So make sure that the price that is paid has a basis for doing so within the company's fundamentals.

This is not to say it will never happen, as the winds of time change.  Every long-time investor has had this error.  It is just a "rite of passage".  The key is to learn from failures and make adjustments in approach.

For successful investors, the stock market is not a gambling casino with little slips of paper.  The stock market is the chance to own a piece of a successful company's future.

Be smart, be well-read, be aware and be successful.

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren