Under Armour does not surprise me

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This does not surprise me.  A couple of things come to mind when I think what precipitated the slump.

I have kids in their 20's and teens.  I would think that is a large segment of Under Armour's market.  Those age groups are known to be very fickle with their clothing choices.  Remember, Hollister or Abercrombie & Fitch?  Those brands are "so yesterday" with my kids.

Second, their lines are priced on the high side of things for kids of a younger age.

Third, what is their competitive advantage?  I have seen a lot of knockoffs of their clothing.

When you serve a younger and fickle market, you can be a hero one day and garbage the next.  Thus, it does not surprise me what has happened to their shares.

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren