Well another month is coming to a close.

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Well another month is coming to a close. Will it be another month of piece meal processes to create the financial statements?

Accountants and finance people know that MOST companies, both huge and small, have a jumble of spreadsheets that are regularly used to gather, summarize and evaluate their organization's performance.

The problems with this method are many. Just to name a few, there are errors in formulas, logic errors, unsophisticated excel operators, single experts on key spreadsheets, and unstructured data storage.

Are you tired of the frustration resulting from wasting 70% to 90% of your time on poorly constructed processes! I have seen many processes that make a Rube Goldberg model look like fine model of construction!

Now imagine refined processes that only a few steps are required, the process is quick and frustration is minimized. How do you get there? You get there by building refined technology tools that provide fast, consistent and easy to complete processes.

Call me. I can help you to save your sanity from another month of crazy hundred step processes, but to get there, you have to get started. Otherwise, you are going to suffer month after month. Every journey starts with one small step!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren