Well....Costco's sales continue to climb!
This does not surprise me. Costco has been steadily adding to sales. No, they didn't boom ahead, but like the proverbial turtle, they are bumping along. I would rather have the turtle any day, any time over the hare.
While you always, always have to review their financials, it pays to do "boots on the ground. Ask your friends, "Do you like Costco?" Go to the store. Are they crowded? I am sure you are likely to get a double "Yes!" (I like that better than a double bourbon! My wife would disagree though.)
While many are saying that Amazon is going to "dominate the world", they need to get out of the comic books and take a closer look. Amazon is a great company, but are they everything to everyone. Naw......
Costco is build on the same premise that Sam Walton used to bring Wal-mart to the top of the retail sector.
-They take care of their customers.
-They take care of their employees.
-They take care of their stockholders.
Three equal parts. Simple formula, but Smart. Damn Smart!!!