What a difference a week makes! 

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What a difference a week makes!  The Eagles beat the almighty Patriots in an exciting game.  Quite honestly, there have been a lot of less than stellar super bowls, but this was not one of them.  

Also, the stock market fell significantly in the last week.  For awhile, it was looking as if the market could only go up, up and away.  The flows into equities have been pouring in since the beginning of the new year. Well...., we are back to reality.  If there is one thread that is common to life and sports, it is that change is inevitable!

My kids always tell me that things are different now when I tell them something.  To that I always respond, "Things are different, but the same."  Yes, change is always occurring, but some overriding themes stay the same.  For the market, too many bullish participants tee up an inevitable drop.  For football, no one stays at the top forever and no one stays at the bottom forever.

With Philly winning, the market's tendency is to increase more than if the Patriots had won.  That said.  Who knows if changes are in the wind.  Only time will tell!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren