What older and seasoned investors have to offer...

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This recent article posted by Gary Mishuris, CFA is short, but pungent.

The last paragraph of the article really gets to the issue of what older and seasoned investors have to offer.  Those seeking to become successful investors should think about this very carefully. Times change, but some central tenets do not.

"The goal of learning from great investors such as Charlie Munger is not to blindly imitate them. Nor is it to impress others by being able to quote them better than the next person. What you should be trying to do is to learn from their experience and insights, and then apply what you learn to your own investing, customized to your own strengths and weaknesses. Don’t try to be the next Charlie Munger. Instead, focus on becoming as strong of an investor as you can be by learning from his wisdom."

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren