When I was young, I didn't care much about dividends

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When I was young, I didn't care much about dividends, but as I age (mature in nice terms), I really see the value in dividends - especially growing dividends.

Two companies that this article talks about that I have long owned are VLO and NEE.  I bought these shares long ago.  The key, like always, is to own quality companies when few see the value.  Then, be willing to wait.  Also, dividends pay you while you wait.

VLO's price was hammered down with the recession and the Gulf blowout crisis.  

NEE was down some in the recession.  Many didn't realize their fuel source was not predominately coal but natural gas.  With the FL population growing and NEE embracing wind and solar, they are on the right track.

The point is to buy great companies when the market doesn't acknowledge their value and hold them long term.  Guard against the proclivity to "get a return immediately" and be willing to wait some time.  Usually, that waiting provides much more robust earnings and returns than chasing the "latest and greatest"!

Copyright 2017 Mark T. McLaren