A storm is hitting the East coast during the next couple of days. As always, it is good to be prepared before a storm.
The local TV station in Jacksonville, "First Coast News", had an announcement today on the early news that there was a blood drive for the hurricane victims at Memorial Hospital on University Blvd. The people who are running it were smart to think in advance. That is one of the keys to success - be proactive.
Interestingly enough, two "First Coast News" people showed up to interview blood donors just as I was finishing. The young lady who interviewed me was a Penn State grad. She asked me a few questions and her final question was "Do you have anything else you want to say?" For me it was a softball, which I immediately responded with a robust - "We are Penn State". Hopefully, they don't edit it out given that we are in Florida!
They were giving out tee shirts for blood donations. One was for Florida football fans. One was for Florida State football fans. The other one was blue and white with a popsicle saying "Super Cool Blood Donor". I had to get the blue and white tee shirt with the popsicle on it (after all blue and white is Penn State). I just hope we don’t get licked this weekend.
Get out there and donate today. There is always someone out there who could use your help. Pay it forward!